Bisonte is an ocarina that is part of a collection inspired by animals that currently inhabit or once inhabited Spain. The European bison is the largest land mammal in Europe, with males reaching up to 3.8 meters in length and 900 kg, while females measure 3 meters and weigh 600 kg. It is an herbivore that mainly feeds on grasses, roots, tubers, and even wood. It requires a large amount of water to stay healthy.
Often confused with buffaloes, the bison is a distinct species, as buffaloes originate from Africa and Asia, while bisons live in North America and Europe. Despite its size, bisons are agile, reaching speeds of up to 40 km/h and jumping up to two meters high. Their lifespan in the wild is 15 to 20 years, although some individuals can live up to 40 years in captivity.
In the 19th century, mass hunting nearly led the European bison to extinction, but its populations have started to recover, with around 8,000 individuals in Europe, mainly in Poland and Belarus.
The species remains highly threatened, which has driven conservation programs. In Spain, there are 171 bisons spread across 16 breeding centers in places such as the Montes de Toledo, Montaña Palentina, and Sierra de Andújar. The European Bison Conservation Center (EBCC) coordinates international efforts to monitor herd behavior and preserve their genetics.
The European bison faces ecological and bioclimatic challenges in its reintroduction, and although its ecological and symbolic importance is recognized, some experts believe it cannot replace the prehistoric bison (Bison priscus), represented in the cave art of Altamira and extinct around 12,000 years ago.
Despite the challenges, the European bison remains a symbol of strength and resilience.
Made by us 100% by hand, in black-gray stoneware; it measures 15 cm in length and 8 cm in height.